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You've discovered the very BEST site to help! Morning Sickness Help Common morning sickness thoughts: “I'm tired of feeling so sick.” 'I've tried everything people have suggested and it hasn't helped me; now what?'
“How do I know what to buy? I don't want to waste my money on buying something that doesn't work.” ”Is my Baby OK if I can't take my prenatals because they make me gag?” 'My nose is extremely sensitive to smells which makes me more nauseous.' “I am feeling so miserable, and people don't understand because I look better than I feel.” 'I want to have energy, again.' Uncommon, but not rare: “My doctor told me I have Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Where do I find help?” Most likely, you have experienced ONE or more of these situations with your morning sickness: • • • You've noticed the sales industry has expensive prices for products that all claim to give you relief. But, you've found out that they don't do what they promise.
A personal letter to YOU. January 1st, 2017 Dear New Friend, My name is Wendy Shaw and I live with my husband and 10 children in the Sierra Nevada mountains in CA.
I want to congratulate you on your pregnancy. The fact that you are feeling a little discomfort is usually a very good sign your pregnancy is going well.
However, if your nausea is anything like mine was - you are tired of feeling sick! Most likely, you haven't been able to find anything that really works to reduce your discomfort. You may have trouble sleeping at night, or are possibly finding it hard to eat or drink anything. And, the nausea could even be disrupting your normal routines. My nausea started within a few weeks after my first early pregnancy confirmation, and it was so severe I had continual waves of nausea and vomiting day and night. I was so excited for this pregnancy, but not prepared for the nausea lifestyle that came with it.
Both concerned friends and family weren't sure how to help. And, no doctor seemed to truly understand how I was feeling. 'My severe morning sickness (diagnosed as Hyperemesis Gravidarum) was life changing! Desperate to overcome the constant nausea and vomiting became my diligent pursuit. Over a period of time, we spent hundreds of dollars on 'remedies' that were advertised to bring about nausea relief. I was frustrated and still miserable after trying one remedy after another.
' Right off, I want you to know TWO really important things: First, friends, family, or medical staff may not be able to relate to your level of nausea, or understand how you feel or know what you need. Many moms struggling with nausea often feel misunderstood. But, you're not alone in what you are experiencing! And, there is help! Second, it takes a tremendous amount of time, effort, money, & energy to test out all the different nausea theories and corresponding remedies. I’ve discovered why some things work and why some could work with a few minor adjustments. If even one of my basic tips are practiced, some nausea relief may be acquired.
Nausea can be reduced, if not eliminated altogether, through proper knowledge and support. I wish I could talk to you personally! The next best thing was to write down all the things I know for you first hand. The valuable tips and resources I had to learn the hard way, you can have easily! With the accumulation of 20 years of experience, and 11 pregnancies, I learned many things through my experiences, both about remedies and how to help people!! I put together an A-Z glossary of over 100 remedies from moms in different cultures from around the world, along with important remedy tips to help you make an informed decision. Plus, when my husband took an astronaut training course and received a Master's degree in Space Studies, we learned about anti-nausea techniques from NASA, and they blended so beautifully with what I had also been discovering about pregnancy nausea.
Drajver dlya blyutuz adaptera buro. (One of these tips I share with you as you scroll down). Jai hanuman tv serial title song download. My years of research and experience, and love for you, the pregnant mama, are finally attainable in a quickly downloadable ebook for fast easy access right now.
And it comes with a no questions asked, money back guarantee!! So, you really have nothing to lose - except nausea! In a few minutes, you'll receive over 100 'Mom-tested' remedies for nausea relief and wise tips for best utilizing the remedies. The Morning Sickness Handbook is the BEST book possible to have in your hands when you are queasy!