Gulliver Mod 1710
What it does? • From the outside, it looks just like plain vanilla Minecraft. There are no new blocks or items, just two Potions. • But with Gulliver installed, you now have the ability to change your own size or the sizes of mobs & NPCs! • The world works differently when you and mobs change size. See what happens! A few starter tips for tiny players: • Watch Your Step • Shift-Crouch to Jump 1 Block High • Some Blocks are Climbable!
• Carry Paper, a Slime Ball, String and a Lily Pad • Carry something pointy (like a Stick or Sword), you may need it to pry open Chests or Doors • Try the Fishing Rod • Beware of Cats & Spiders! A few starter tips for huge players: • Watch Your Step – Falling Hurts! • Shift-Crouch to Jump Half Your Height • Try Punching Blocks/Mobs Barehanded • Step On Mobs (or else Sneak Over Them) • Right-Click Mobs When Barehanded to Pick Them Up Gulliver Mod Screenshots: Embiggened! Gliding with Paper!
Lilliputian is a mod that allows for mobs sizes to be configured Curse Premium a lot for ruining my hopes and dreams for the revival of the Gulliver modNotice all.
Rafting with a Lily Pad! Riding an Iron Golem with String!
How to Change Size Resizing Potions Brewing recipe (Gulliver v0.10 for Minecraft 1.4.5 & later): • Add Nether Wart to Water Bottle to make Awkward Potion. • Add Red Mushroom to make Potion of Embiggening, or else: • Add Brown Mushroom to make Potion of Ensmallening. Add Redstone Dust to extend the effect duration, and/or turn them into Splash Potions with Gunpowder and you can throw them at mobs. Potion of Embiggening makes you 4 times normal height, Ensmallening makes you 1/4 normal height.
(You can drink Milk or the Potion with the opposite resizing effect to change your size back.) Resizing Dyes Having a stack of Cyan Dye in your inventory will make you half your size, and a stack of Magenta Dye will make you twice your size. You can have multiple stacks of dye to apply the resizing multiple times, so 3 stacks of Cyan Dye will make you 1/8 size, and 3 stacks of Magenta Dye will make you 8 size. The dyes may also be applied to Sheep, and in Gulliver v0.10, dyeing tame Wolves’ collars will also have the resizing effect. If you don’t want to allow Dye-based resizing on a server, set the server.properties option “enable-dye-resizing” to “false”.
If you don’t want it in singleplayer, use this option in%appdata%.minecraftconfigmod_Gulliver.cfg: g_dyeResizingEnabled=0 Resizing Keys Note: This requires both “Cheat Mode” (or Op permission on a server) and Creative Mode to work. You can adjust the player’s size by pressing the ‘R’ key to double the current size and the ‘F’ key to halve the current size.
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