Nihongo 500 Mon Beginner Pdf
Challenge yourself and boost your Japanese! Shin Nihongo 500 Mon - JLPT N4 - N5 builds kanji, vocabulary and grammar skills in a fun and easily digestible format you can practice everyday.
Approximately the same level as the current Level 3 test. Approximately the same level as the current Level 4 test. “N”stands for both “Nihongo”and “New”.
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Ideal for JLPT N4-N5 level learners, this book is structured into daily and weekly lessons, containing increasingly difficult kanji, vocabulary and grammar concepts. Everyday you practice a few exercises and, on the following page, check your answers and learn why your answer is correct or incorrect with clear explanations. Explanations are provided in English and Vietnamese. Shin Nihongo 500 Mon - JLPT N4 - N5 lesson structure: • This book focuses on kanji, vocabulary and grammar. Each lesson contains a total of 15 multiple-choice questions.
• On every page you will find one question about kanji, one question about vocabulary and one about grammar. • Kanji: Find the correct kanji for a word written in hiragana or find the correct reading for a word written in kanji. • Vocabulary: Insert the correct word missing in the sentence. • Grammar: Insert the correct grammar form of the word missing in the sentence. • The correct answers can be found on the next page. The answers include English and Vietnamese translation of the sentences and explanations. • Every 7th lesson is a review lesson.
It contains the kanji, vocabulary and grammar from the 6 lessons prior to it. Recommended for you if: • You already learned some or most of the N5 and/or N4 kanji, vocabulary and grammar. Ariana grande songs download free.
• You want to prepare specially for JLPT N5 or N4. • You want an easy way to review what you have learned so far. Additional information: • The vocabulary and grammar sections are with kanji readings.
The kanji section does not have readings. • Pages: 292 • Languages: Japanese, English & Vietnamese.