Programmu Asdv 020
Double Vane Pump T67DC-Series Denison Hydraulics DTA supplies genuine Denison Hydraulics vane pumps, cartridge kits and other spare parts from stock. We hold a large stock of the T67 Series (Size DC) cartridge parts and pumps, brand new and genuinely made by the Parker Hannifin Vane Pump Division Europe. For a quote on the double vane pump T67DC 045 020 3R** A100 Is this not the pump you require? No need to worry! Just use the online to configure and select any other single, double or triple vane pump that meets your demands. The range of total volumetric displacement of the Denison Hydraulics T67 Series (Size DC) double vane pump T67DC is 55 ml/rev up to 258 ml/rev. The total displacement of the double vane pump T67DC 045 020 3R** A100 is 209.5 ml/rev.
Please find further hydraulic and technical details below. Double Vane Pump T67DC Cartridge Configuration Pump Section Series Type Size Cam Ring Displacement Pressure P1 (front) T7 Industrial D 045 145.7 ml/rev up to 240 bar P2 (rear) T6 Industrial C 020 63.8 ml/rev up to 275 bar Order a complete Denison Hydraulics double vane pump or just the parts you need. In the parts table below you may select the hydraulic parts you need.
All parts we sell are genuine Denison Hydraulics by Parker Hannifin. We highly recommend to use genuine OEM parts only to ensure smooth operation and longer service life. Parts of T67DC 045 020 3R** A100 Denison Hydraulics Model Description List Price Article No. T67DC 045 020 3R** A100 Double Vane Pump T67DC € 3,688.00 024-92412-0 CARTR T67DC UNIT D 045 CW S1 Cam Ring 'P1' 045 - Cartridge Kit € 1,315.30 S24-10859-0 CARTR T67DC UNIT C 020 CW S1 Cam Ring 'P2' 020 - Cartridge Kit € 952.70 S24-40234-0 SHAFT T67DC SPLIN 3 ASS Shaft Assembly #3 (incl. Bearing) € 266.20 S14-42518-0 KIT T67DC SEAL S1 Seal Class S1 - Seal Kit € 52.30 S24-10170-0.
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R.; Folsom, A. 1972-01-01 Maintainability must be designed into long-duration spacecraft and equipment to provide the required high probability of mission success with the least cost and weight. The ability to perform repairs quickly and easily in a space environment can be achieved by imposing specific maintainability design criteria on spacecraft equipment design and installation. A study was funded to investigate and define design criteria for electronic equipment that would permit rapid removal and replacement in a space environment.