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Nissan Terrano 2nd generation (R50-series) versions & types. Nissan model Terrano 2nd generation (R50-series) belongs to mid-size off-road / SUV (sport utility vehicle) class. Represents the 'J (E) (sport utility cars and off-road vehicles - segment E - executive)' market segment. The most-reported problem is also with the 2014 Nissan Terrano for nissan not keen to repair the vehicle. 2014 3 Click on the graph bars for more details about a specific model year. Nissan terrano r50 rukovodstvo po ekspluatacii dizelj price. Find great deals on eBay for nissan terrano r50. Shop with confidence. Skip to main content. Front Stabilizer Bushing D27 For Nissan Terrano Iii R50 (1995-2003) See more like this. Throttle Position Sensor For Infiniti QX4 Nissan Terrano R20 Pathfinder R50 3.3. Brand New Unbranded. Find great deals on eBay for nissan terrano 1. Shop with confidence. Skip to main content. Lift Kit for Nissan Pathfinder Terrano R50 Infiniti QX4 1,6' 40mm strut spacers. Brand New Front. Front strut spacers 30mm for Nissan Terrano /.