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The book Drivers Ed by Caroline B. Cooney, portrays drivers ed, peer pressure, and high school life all in one book. Throughout the book there are two consistent main characters: Rembrandt 'Remey' Marland and Morgan Campbell who fall for each other in the beginning of the book while bonding over some sign stealing. Cooney’s love of writing for young adults is clearly demonstrated in her numerous celebrated novels including: Driver’s Ed (An ALA Best Book for Young Adults, an ALA Quick Pick for Young Adults, and a Booklist Editors’ Choice), Among Friends (A New York Public Library Books for the Teen Age), Twenty Pageants Later (An ALA Quick Pick for. Cooney Booklist Caroline B. Cooney Message Board Detailed plot synopsis reviews of Driver's Ed It was a peaceful town, kids playing outside and hardly any crime, until three kids decided to have a little fun not knowing they were committing a crime.
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