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How useful is the mecholyl test? Castell (Philadelphia) The mecholyl test has been used, over the years, as a means to demonstrate the « denervation supersensitivity » in patients with achalasia. It has not been reported in patients with the hypertensive LES.

It seems unlikely that this test would show an abnormal response in patients with the hypertensive LES, unless one were to propose that the etiology of this disorder was due to denervation of the sphincter similar to achalasia. This is, of course, a possibility, but it has not been demonstrated. There is, at present, no information to support the conclusion that the hypertensive LES is a defect in innervation. Publication date: May 1991.

留 言 中 心 留言中心>> 留言专区 主 题: inildanrock 反馈内容: and asked him whether he thought roses grew in snow.

IMG_2464a0.jpg (klik op de foto om hem te vergroten) Volgende. Door: Trixie , 03:35:21Trixie , 03:35:21. Prezentaciya dlya doshkoljnikov odezhda. Programma dlya obnuleniya kartridzhej hp 122 2.