Malayalam Fonts Zip File Free Download
How To Install Malayalam Fonts The following step by step guide will help you to install Malayalam font on Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10. Download the Malayalam font and save it in your computer, the download will be a zip file. Preview and download the Manjari, Gayathri, Meera, Rachana, AnjaliOldLipi, Chilanka, Keraleeyam, Dyuthi, Suruma and Uroob free unicode fonts by Swathanthra Malayalam.
We did not create these fonts. We found them on font websites and have packaged them together as a free service to anyone else that wishes to use them. We provide them as-in and can accept no responsibility for any issues arising from their use. As far as we are aware all of these fonts are free for non-commercial use. Some of them are also free for commercial use.
Wherever possible we have included any licencing information with the fonts - please read it. If you have any questions regarding copyright or what constitutes commercial use you should contact the font author, not us.
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