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The latest version of Primavera P6 is version 18.8 released publicly in August 2018. Primavera P6 Professional is an enterprise project management and CPM scheduling software tool. Primavera P6 is widely used around the world in heavy industries for planning large-scale projects. Oracle purchased Primavera Systems in 2008 and has helped the software become a global standard in project controls. As of version 15.1, Oracle has committed to releasing 2 updates every year, with a version change in the spring and a minor update in the fall. Major updates are numbered according to the year they were released.
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Minor updates are numbered according to the month they were released. EG: release 17.7 was released in July of 2017. Primavera P6 Releases and Versions The table below outlines the major software version releases for Primavera P6 Project Management (or as it’s currently known, Primavera P6 Professional).
Download Primavera P6 Professional Project Management free setup for windows. It is a project management software that has ability to handle large-scale, highly sophisticated and multifaceted projects. Primavera P6 Professional Project Management Overview Primavera P6 Professional Project Management is one of the best and user demanding applications especially designed for project managements. It has attractive and eye catchy user interface clearly shows that it was designed by a high dollar programmer.
With the help of this awesome tool user can easily handle large-scale, highly sophisticated and multifaceted projects. It has excellent ability to organize projects of up to 100,000 activities with unlimited resources and an unlimited number of target plans. It also has excellent customization feature that allows users to set plan, schedule and balance resource capacity for complex projects. Furthermore, it is quite possible for all the members to monitor and visualize project performance versus plan. Users can also conduct what-if analysis and analyze alternative project plans in this awesome tool.
With all these great features, it consumes very small CPU power and shows excellent compatibility with all latest and old operating systems. So if you are also looking for best project managed software for planning, collaboration, and tracking the performance of the projects then our recommendation is Primavera P6 Professional due to its ease of use and excellent features.
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